Third Party Liability
a) Civil Liability Insurance of a Nuclear Installation Operator for nuclear damages incurred to third parties as a consequence of operation of a nuclear installation or from transportation of nuclear material (mandatory insurance - as required by Act no. 18/1997 coll. about a peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy and ionising radiation and about changes and complementation of some acts in the wording effective from January 1, 2017).
- This Insurance is designed namely for:
- holders of a licence for operation of a nuclear installation or of a licence for any activity related to use of a nuclear installation,
- holders of a licence for transportation of nuclear material who are, in accordance with the Atomic Act, operators liable for nuclear damage on grounds of an international agreement (Vienna Convention on Civil Liability For Nuclear Damage) to which the Czech Republic is a party.
b) Complementary insurance cover of the “nuclear exclusion” to the third party liability insurance for suppliers of equipment and services for the nuclear industry
- This insurance is available only for clients who have concluded a valid insurance cover for the third party liability for conventional (i.e. non-nuclear) damage.
c) Insurance of operators of ionising radiation sources (radionuclide emitters), which have no obligation to conclude a third party liability insurance contract for nuclear damage but who consider such an insurance as needed for securing their entrepreneurial activities (facultative insurance).
d) Complementary Insurance cover of the “nuclear exclusion” to the Insurance of Directors and Officers Liability of a joint-stock company for a damage arising as a consequence of nuclear damage
- This insurance is available only for these clients, which have concluded a valid insurance cover for Directors and Officers of a joint-stock company for conventional (i.e. non-nuclear) damage.